Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Icis: A fashionista's version of Google Glass

We all know what Google Glass is--glasses that can take pictures, videos, search, find directions and many more. The avant-garde Glass may be groundbreaking, but having a prism on top of your right eye makes you look like a cyborg. Well, Icis glasses may just be the perfect solution.

A fashionable alternative to Glass.

Icis glasses are designed to look like normal glasses, but houses a computer and display. Laforge Optical, the firm behind Icis, told Cnet why Icis is made:
"Style is a subjective thing and currently the bar is set pretty low."
Amanda Rosenberg coined the "Okay, Glass," command.

Using your phone's sensors, the system knows if you're sitting, running or in a car, thus automatically switches modes between Normal, Active and Drive.

Information displayed will not block field of vision.

Laforge Optical's aim is to make wearable eyewear that looks good and has a user friendly interface. Relevant information are displayed around the outside of the field of vision.

Your vision when using Icis

The company launched an Indiegogo campaign to raise more money. The Icis glasses will sell for $420.

Written by: Kheng Wei Ang

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