Thursday, February 20, 2014

Apple & Tesla: Secret Meeting Revealed

As Apple's Merger and Acquisitions (M&A) chief Adrian Perica met with Tesla Motors' CEO Elon Musk, rumors flew around that Apple might acquire Tesla, the extremely successful electric vehicle maker based in Silicon Valley.

Elon Musk is regarded as one of the best CEOs in America.

Wall Street analysts speculated that Apple are trying to diversify its business and explore new ventures. Berenberg bank analyst Adnaan Ahmad even wrote an open letter to Apple CEO Tim Cook, urging him to put Apple's mountain of cash ($160 billion) to good use by acquiring Tesla.

Battery Prowess: Model S has an incredible range of 265 miles (426 km) in one charge.

However, it now seems that the high-profile meeting is about a battery 'gigafactory'. Apple are interested
in Tesla's battery technology, which would enable them to produce smaller and more efficient mobile devices.

Should the factory becomes reality, it would equal the world's lithium-ion battery production, all accomplished in one huge factory. Elon Musk also promised that the new battery manufacturing factory will be eco-friendly by relying on solar power. The 'gigafactory' would most likely be in North America.

The Tesla Model S dashboard houses a humungous 17-inch touchscreen display

Apple could also be in talks with Tesla for iOS integration or help design the user interface. Tesla's model S does not feature any physical buttons on its dashboard, but uses a 17-inch touchscreen display for infotainment.

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Written by: Kheng Wei Ang

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