Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Confirmed: Fingerprint Sensor on Samsung's Galaxy S5

With the Samsung Galaxy S5 expected to be launched on 24th February in Barcelona, SamMobile reported that it will spot a fingerprint sensor.

The report claims that the fingerprint sensor will be implemented in the home button, dismissing earlier rumors that the sensor might be built into the display.

SamMobile explains the technology:
"The sensor itself works in a swipe manner, which means that you would need to swipe the entire pad of your finger, from base to tip, across the home key to register your fingerprint properly. Also, you would need to keep your finger flat against the home key and swipe at a moderate speed or else it won’t recognize your fingerprint. The fingerprint sensor is sensitive to moisture, as well."
Samsung's fingerprint technology is different from Apple's Touch ID.

As Apple's Touch ID fingerprint scanner could only be used to unlock and purchase apps, it is interesting to see what Samsung plans to do with its fingerprint sensor. SamMobile also added that the Galaxy S5 will show a real-time image of your fingerprint while you swipe it across the sensor.

Written by: Kheng Wei Ang

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